First-Time & Returning Users

Usability testing  & interviews with new and existing users.

Year: 2020

Role: Lead Researcher

Research Method: Usability Testing & Contextual Inquiry

Research Type: Exploratory

Company: Covid Act Now


As we approached the third wave of COVID-19 and the holiday season near the end of 2020, our team wanted to assess the utility of our website in users' decision making processes and in their understanding of COVID-related metrics. 


Generative Goals

Design/Product Goals




Usability Test: First-Time Users

Usability Test: Returning Users

Key Insights

The key value-adds we offer: the ability to compare metrics across different locations, a one-stop-shop for covid data and information, generally user-friendly design and language use, an easy-to-navigate map.

Both first-time and returning users rely on many pieces of information to make behavioral decisions related to COVID (e.g., whether to travel, whether to visit family, etc.), and each has their own process for coming to conclusions. 

Although users appreciate having so much to choose from on the website, they are overwhelmed by the amount of information on each page, and find it difficult to navigate. They do not like to have to scroll far to find what they are looking for.

Users like information that is specific to them, and do not like to have to complete many steps to find it.

COVID data is difficult to understand, and users are not apt to seek out information on other pages when they are confused. Despite our having metric definitions housed in our glossary, users did not click off the location page to find it unless explicitly asked to do so. Once they were prompted to read the glossary, users could accurately define COVID metrics. For first time users, the initial confusion made them feel as though they were not our intended audience, and some said they would click off the site entirely if they were on their own. 

Both first-time and returning users expressed interest in our methodology and data sources, and felt concerned that we did not explicitly state them in any obvious place.


Screenshot of Covid Act Now's "About this data" pop-up module.

We added an “About this data” pop-up module that shares data sources and definitions for each metric next to where the data point lives, providing key context and clarification right at the point of confusion.

Screenshot of Covid Act Now's tabbed testing data time series chart.

We combined multiple time series charts into a single chart with tabs for each metric to reduce the scrolling users must do to connect with key information.

Screenshot of Covid Act Now's drawered "Recommendations" module.

We drawered longer individual modules to reduce scroll, giving users agency to explore the parts of the website they desire while making more items on the page discoverable.

Screenshot of Covid Act Now's auto-loaded location cards on the homepage.

We added personalized, auto-loaded state and county location cards on the homepage based on IP addresses below the search bar, keeping relevant locations front-and-center and removing a step for finding relevant information.

Screenshot of Covid Act Now's United States risk level map on the homepage.

We kept the national map central for navigation on the home page.